2001 Photography

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Full Moonset Behind the Rockies

We raced to an open clearing to capture this photo of the full moon as it set behind the mountains of Colorado Springs. It was the Scenic category winner on bestfoto.com on September 14, 2001.

Stormy Maroon Bells

Snow had fallen overnight and yet another storm was moving through the Maroon Bells-Snowmass wilderness area. The photo was the black and white category photo of the day at bestfoto.com on September 10, 2001.

Summer, Garden of the Gods

A beautiful morning at the spectacular rock formations in Colorado Springs. Pike's Peak is in the background at 14,110 feet. This image was the Photo of the Day in the panorama category at Digital Photo Contest for September 10, 2001.

High Country Wildflowers

This lovely waterfall feeds the wildflowers high on Cottonwood Pass. The photo was the first place winner in the monthly photo contest at Steve's Digicams and was also the first place winner for August, 2001 at digitphoto.com.


J, a Shoshone Indian from the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming, was kind enough to pose for us. The photo was a winner in the People category at bestfoto.com on August 20, 2001 and also was a weekly winner in the d-store Summer Contest.

By a Mountain Stream

I was in the stream again with my aquashoes, taking this shot. Along came a butterfly at just the right moment and placed itself in my photo. Nice of him/her, wasn't it? The image was featured in the d-store Summer Contest for week 8.


A mountain goat in the wild on Mt. Evans. The photo won honors in the d-store Summer Contest for week 7 and in the Animals category at Digital Photo Contest on July 7, 2001, as well as the Animals category on bestfoto.com on August 16, 2001.

Mt. Whetmore

Beautiful wildflowers near Crested Butte, with Mt. Whetmore behind them. The image won honors in the d-store Summer Contest for week 6.

More Colorado Photo Awards

2005 photo awards on this page:1 2 3 4
2004 photo awards on these pages: 1 2 3 4 5
2003 photo awards on these pages: 1 2 3
2002 photo awards on these pages: 1 2 3
2001 photo awards on these pages: 1 2 3 4

2000 photo awards on these pages: 1 2
1999 photo awards on these pages: 1

More Non-Colorado Photo Awards

We also enjoy travel to other states and countries.
Our non-Colorado photo awards are on these pages: 1 2 3

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All photographs appearing on this site are the property of Jan Forseth. They are protected by the U.S. copyright laws, and are not to be downloaded or reproduced in any way without the written permission of Jan Forseth. Copyright ©2018 by Jan Forseth. All rights reserved. If you wish to license the images or text, please first carefully read our Image Use Policy and then e-mail with all information we have requested in the policy.